Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba
Sherry MacVicar Phone: 389-5030Fax: 389-5030
Zulma Cherlet 642-7117Mary Munro 642-8298
Gimli Anon Group for Family & Friends
24 Hour Answering Service 642-5873Gimli Group of Alcoholic Anonymous
24 Hour Answering Service 642-5873Learning Disabilities
Sandy Reimer 642-8446Doug Anderson 642-5186
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society Inc
Donna Hradoway Phone: 886-3821Fax: 886-3821
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba
Connie Krahenbil Phone: 389-4178Fax: 389-4187
Multiple Sclerosis
Cathy Wiebe 642-5760Parents With Children With Development Delays
Brenda Luprypa 642-7967Parkinson's Disease
Jean Kristjanson 642-8473